Episode 11:

Episode ELEVEN
hosted by 
Katrin Blantar  @katrinhereandnow
Rumi von Baires @rumivonbaires

Not your typical dance floor!

Katrin & Rumi invite you on a 90-min journey into music that you would not normally hear on a dance floor. How do our bodies react to these sounds in a club context, where four-to-the-floor beats tend to dominate? How do we communicate with others? Through an experimental approach to movement and sound, the session will first encourage introspection and individual connection to the music, the space and the setting; to later engage in dance communication with other participants and allow synergies to be established with those sharing the space.

Photo Credit Katrin: Karin Cheng
Photo Credit Rumi: Sophie Köchert

Tuesday 21.06.2022
Doors 19:45h
Performance 20:00h
Praterstrasse 18